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Your Guide to Whole Wellness

St. Andrew's Family Fitness

According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, wellness is defined as, " the quality or state of being in good health especially as an actively sought goal-lifestyle that promotes wellness". In addition to that definition, "whole" is defined as, "restored, intact, physically sound and healthy, mentally or emotionally sound, having all its proper parts or components." Keeping those definitions in mind, the idea of Whole Wellness becomes a lifestyle of learning to live in a way that restores your body, mind, and spirit in order to keep you emotionally, mentally, and physically sound. In other words, focusing on your Whole Wellness means focusing on your best life.

With 2020 coming to a close, many of us are realizing that it was difficult to focus on living our best lives this year. As stress, anxiety, and sickness gripped many of us and our loved ones we were left with new priorities, challenges, and hardships. Saying "so long" to 2020 comes with the hope of a fresh start and a new chance to focus on health and wellness again. But where to start?

Focusing on your best life can sound like a difficult concept. The question, "where to start?" is unique to every individual and only you can answer that for yourself. However, you don't have to figure it out entirely on your own. St. Andrew's Family Fitness Plus has created the Whole Wellness Challenge to help you find your own unique journey of Whole Wellness. We start by giving you the basic tools in the form of a fun daily game that you can play by using a smartphone app or a physical copy of your own Whole Wellness Challenge calendar. The Challenge lasts for 6 weeks.

The basic tools of the challenge are:

  1. Learning how much water is best for your body and committing yourself to that amount every day.

  2. Learning what types of movement and exercise fit your personality, wants, and needs and then striving to do these types of activities daily.

  3. Creating a nutrition balance by learning what foods/drinks make you feel less like your best self and focusing on foods/drinks that allow you to thrive.

  4. Appreciating and growing the value of self-reflection through daily acts of meditation, walking, or journaling that allow you to rediscover and learn to be at peace with yourself.

  5. Recommitting to the powerful foundation of a steady sleep cycle to help you feel rejuvenated and empowered.

By consistent practice of these daily "tools", or habits over a 6 week period you will be on your way to focusing more on your Whole Wellness and truly discovering what is possible for yourself.

Self-accountability is huge when you're trying to stick to habits, but it can be tough. That's why you will have a support group with you the whole time. The members of this support group include: Your Whole Wellness Coach who will check in with you once a week, the clients involved in the FIT program (small group training) which you will receive unlimited for free, and the other participants of the Challenge! You know the old saying "it takes a village to raise a child"? Sometimes it takes a village of us to really help each other as well.

We're ready to help you make 2021 your year to focus on your Whole Wellness! You can take the first step by visiting The Whole Wellness Challenge page and getting registered. The Challenge starts on January 11th!

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