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Located at our convenient facility on Playground Road, the After-School Program

at St. Andrew’s Parks & Playground is designed to work with all families, including yours! We offer a safe, quality program.

Our participants will have a snack time upon entering the building and planned activities offered in an enriching environment specifically designed to meet the needs and interests of school-aged children (K-8th grade) and their families in the West Ashley area. The goal of our program is to provide a quality program that is safe, fun and affordable. Our programs offer age appropriate activities under the supervision of a competent, trustworthy, caring and qualified team that understands and meets the needs of the children in our care.


Time: 2 pm to 6 pm


Location: St. Andrew’s Gymnasium located at 1095 Playground Road

Transportation provided from most West Ashley Elementary and Middle Schools.


We are open for teacher workdays, too! Teacher workdays are not included in the price and must be registered for separately. After school participants receive the discounted fee for teacher workdays. Teacher workdays run from 7:30 am – 6:00 pm. We do not offer discounts for ABC now.


Students will be transported from their school to our location either by school bus or by a St. Andrew’s Parks and Playground vehicle.


2:30-3:30 pm - Arrive/Home Snack/recess 3:30-4:00 - Home work Help/Group Gym Games 4:00-5:00 pm - Choices Time 5:00-5:30 pm - Organized Group Games 5:30-6:00 - Dismissal and recess     *Schedule Subject to change

Homework Room Policy

​Monday through Thursdays, at approximately 3:30 pm, Children are given the opportunity to work on their home work at St. Andrews Afterschool Program. We do not provide homework time on Fridays. ​They may work on homework up to 45 mins, depending on grade level and individual needs. Children working on homework are provided with a quiet space and materials available to complete most assignments individually. Staff are available to assist, encourage and check each child’s homework is completed without giving away answers. Therefore, when a child does not understand a portion of homework, and staff feel they have provided several ways to solve the problem, we will allow the child to put away the assignment to be completed at home. Please continue to check your child’s homework for completion and to ensure it is ready for school the next day. We do not offer individual tutoring. We will try our best to help each student. If we have trouble with the homework assignment, or if a homework assignment was not completed, we will try to let the parent know.

Schools & Transportation

​We cater to the following schools: Parents please contact your school administrator for bus routing numbers. St. Andrew's Math and Science Ashley River Creative Arts Elementary - Buist Academy/Memminger C.E Williams 7/8th C.E Williams 6th West Ashley Children who attend a school other than the above-mentioned schools (in the West Ashley area) will be picked up from school in a St. Andrew’s vehicle.  We will notify each participant whether he/she will need to be registered as a school bus rider or a daycare bus rider at school.  These schools are: ​ *Drayton Hall Elementary *Springfield Elementary Trinity Montessori School Oakland Elementary Orange Grove Middle *Orange Grove Elementary *Carolina Voyager *Space is limited, please call 843-763-4360 or email before registering ​ If your school is not listed and you are interested in registering your child, please contact Madison Brenengen -Program Coordinator

Registration & Price

We are thrilled that you’ve chosen St. Andrew’s Parks and Playground as your after-school destination!  So, how do you register?  Due to the ever changing environment of Covid-19 we will be offering weekly registration at this time. For children living in the St. Andrew's Public Service District the price per week is $85.00. For children living outside of the St. Andrew's Public Service District the price is $90.00 per week. If you haven’t already done so, you’ll need to create an account for your family.  You start this process by clicking the red button at the top of this page called LOG IN/REGISTRATION. First creating an account for yourself (as the responsible person) and then for each person in your family.  All children will need a school and grade on their account information. After creating accounts for yourself and your family, or logging into your account, on the left-hand side of the page, click “Afterschool Program” under "Youth Programs".  You can choose to register for every week or for select weeks. In Person: You can also register in person at our administrative offices at 1095 Playground Road between the hours of 8:30 - 5:30 Monday – Thurdsday and Friday from 8:30 - 4:00 or at St. Andrew’s Family Fitness Plus located at 1642 Sam Rittenburg Blvd. If you have any trouble registering or logging on please email

Discipline Policy

​Children rely on adults to set parameters for their behavior.  Such limits are necessary in providing programs and protecting individual rights.  Discipline will be administered reasonably and fairly.  Children will be made aware of all rules and responsibilities at the beginning of the week and are reminded daily.  Positive reinforcement is our preferred approach.  A disciplinary infraction will be used to effectively curb inappropriate behavior.  Violence towards self or others is not tolerated and camper may be subject for immediate removal from the camp program.  No refunds are given when a child is dismissed from camp. Our steps for discipline are: *Verbal warning. *Time-out.  Removal of the child from the group setting. *Child/Parent has a conference with the After School Director and a disciplinary infraction is filled out – a copy is sent home with parent/guardian. If the child still continues with disruptive behavior, a conference between the child’s parent/guardian and the After School Director will be arranged to discuss the possible removal of the child from the program.

We do not accept registrations over the phone.

Madi Brenengen
Program Coordinator

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